We always answer by saying Yes and Amen. During the fall of 2020 we recognized this was His will for us and we designated Legacy Campaign 2022 to begin the campus revitalization project.
We are in awe of the Holy One who has continued to open and close doors, provide victories and resources when needed, and arrange partnerships and relationships to the benefit of CPC. He gave us a pristine survey, an outstanding conceptual design, clean schematics, and ordered the “right” architect and contractor to complete the work. We are poised to see this project through to completion.


Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us.
Q: Why are we doing a capital campaign?
A: The purpose of a capital campaign is to raise funds for various initiatives that we are unable to complete through our annual operating budget. The Legacy Campaign 2022 will engage the partners, attendees, and friends of CPC to improve our external facilities including a new courtyard and primary entryway, parking, walking paths, building facade, doors/windows, signage, security, and water removal. It is our hope to transform the grounds into an inviting and beautiful Greenville ministry capable of receiving and handling even more folks than currently.
Q: Does our church partnership support moving forward with a campaign?
A: Yes. At the State-of-the-Church meeting Fall 2020 (9/14/20), the partnership unanimously approved and charged the Finance & Stewardship Team to begin working toward a more comprehensive campus enhancement plan and pursue several major projects. Supported by the Legacy Seed 2020, the CPC Master Plan was developed. The State-of-the-Church meeting Fall 2021 (9/13/21) supported previous efforts and unanimously approved continued pursuit of the CPC Master Plan and to do so through a capital campaign.
Q: What is the campaign financial goal and how long will it last?
A: Our feasibility analysis estimated that CPC has an ability to raise $500,000 over a two‐year period above and beyond annual giving. Once the campaign is launched publicly, church-wide promotion and education will proceed and continue through a three-month period (March – May). During that time, the plan is to distribute and then collect pledge cards (Commitment Sunday) from CPC partners and attendees. Every partner and attendee will be invited to participate by making a two‐year pledge above and beyond their regular support as well as any seed offerings led to give.
Q: Is our congregation large enough to cover the cost of the initiatives?
A: Yes. CPC is committed to responsible stewardship of finance and not spending more than we can afford. We have business professionals and development-experienced individuals leading the business and campaign aspects and will guide the church through the process. Additionally, our feasibility work and faith have led us to this point as we are CONVINCED this is the next step in CPCs maturation as a ministry. We have honored the Lord’s challenge to count the costs beforehand and to live within our means. Rather than an overwhelming challenge, our church leadership view the campaign as an opportunity to engage our partners and attendees reminding everyone that ALL things are possible through Christ, and that you have not because you ask not.
Q: Is this the right time to conduct a capital campaign?
A: Yes. The Lord told us in 2020 to begin this process, and throughout 2021 we pursued His vision for the CPC Master Plan while organizing for the capital campaign. Although there may never be an ideal time to conduct a campaign, and in current times due to the economy’s constant ebb and flow of uncertainty, we must always be considerate that His ways which are higher than our way. Additionally, as a vibrantly growing New Testament Church, we sow to please the Spirit.
Q: Who will be asked to participate in a campaign?
A: Each partner and attendee will be provided the same campaign information (Promotion Card & Pledge Card) and most importantly every household will be asked to participate via pledging support. Equal sacrifice always trumps equal gifts. We are asking folks to make a sacrifice and allow the Lord to direct the amounts and timing of contributions. We recognize not everyone can make the same size contribution, but all have an ability to make a sacrificial commitment. We know God can multiply any amount of fishes and loves.
Q: How can I learn more about this campaign?
A: CPC will keep you informed throughout the next several months and the next 2 years through announcements, social medias, mail, email, web-based and other forms of communication. Please be certain to take time to stop by our Legacy Campaign 2022 booth at the back of the church and confer with our representatives.