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We’re on a mission to pay off our debt faster so we can invest even more into reaching people. That’s why we’re launching the 32 for 100 Challenge—32 people committing to give $100 a month for one year.

Every extra payment we make goes straight to the principal, helping us pay off our debt quicker and freeing us to do more ministry, reach more people, and change more lives.



Generosity is about giving more than what is required. We see generosity as a privilege.

We're generous with our time, talents and treasure. We go first in our giving. God has given richly towards us, it's our honor to give back to Him.



You can now give using your smartphone. Text-to-give is quick, simple, and secure. To give via text, simply text your donation amount to 84321. After sending your first text, you'll be sent a link to register your phone to your card. Just tap the link to begin the setup process. Enter the credit or debit details you want to use, and remember your giving is not applied to your phone bill. That's it! From then on you'll be able to give by a simple text message.




Join us in transforming the next generation!


Still Have questions?

How do I get a statement or view giving history? 

Giving history can be viewed at anytime in your giving profile. Annual contribution statements are also mailed to you at the closing of each calendar year. Typically you will receive these by mid-February.

What is the deadline for annual contributions?

All contributions can be received or postmarked by December 31st in order to be included in your contribution statement for that year. Any online donations must also be initiated by December 31st.

What address do I use?

Legacy Church Global 8211 White Horse Rd. Greenville, SC 29617

Other questions?

If there is anything else we can help you with, please contact us!

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You can also give in person during the weekend worship experience. If you would like to set up automatic bank pay or discuss assets you would like to give, please contact
